Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Nightmare That Is The Post Office

I stood in line yesterday at the local post office. As soon as I took my place behind about twenty other people I began wishing I had just gone to a FedEx store instead. I looked around at the shabby facility and the unhappy customers and imagined I was in an old Soviet government office building.

I noticed two old women looking among the supplies on the rack against the wall. They were looking for a particular shipping box. Finally, one of them went up to the manager of the branch and asked when he thought they might have more boxes. This manager, who didn't seem to be firing on all cylinders, said in his most I-couldn't-care-less-voice, "Maybe tomorrow or the next day, I really don't know. We don't have time to restock; we're very busy." The old woman and her friend left in disappointment.

Pondering what I had just witnessed, I became angry. This guy just admitted they he did actually have the boxes she was looking for, but he wasn't going to get one for her. Because, you know, he's busy. I'm guessing the boxes were within twenty feet of where he was standing, but he really couldn't care less. This poor woman was tyring to take care of her Christmas packages and the buffoon behind the counter couldn't run a proper store.

What I witnessed wouldn't happen at a FedEx store, because private establishments care about customer service. They care because they have competition. And they have shareholders whom they need to keep happy.

The USPS is a broken model. They just keep raising the price of postage and reducing service in order to reduce the red ink they are floating in. They blame email and texting for their problems. Their union fights attempts to become more efficient. Don't even get me started on my personal mail carrier who won't get out of her truck to put the mail in my box if it is blocked by a car -- and she doesn't care if it's a stranger's car. She alleges it's a safety issue. I allege it's a lazy issue.

Merry Christmas and here's hoping you don't need to go to your local post office.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Interstellar Is Thought Provoking only go to the movie theaters about two or three times a year. Too many people rudely looking at their glowing phones in the dark; munching and slurping; and sharing their opinions of every scene for all to hear. So when I do go, I try to make sure it is a picture worth seeing. For me, one of the criteria that justifies plunking down $10 for a movie (plus $12 for a bag of popcorn and a soda - really?!) is whether there is a good movie out that I want to see on the big screen. Interstellar is such a movie.

I had heard good things about Interstellar from an interesting cross section of commentators. They used terms like "difficult to describe" and "not even sure what the message was - but I liked it". Even so, I tried not to go into the movie with too many expectations, since that usually leads to disappointment.

The main takeaway for me about this movie is it made me think about big concepts. The human species; the universe; life on other planets; love. From the opening scene to the closing scene, I was transported from the smallest of elements, like dirt and corn fields, to the far reaches of scientific thought, like black holes and other dimensions. The film has been credited with trying to adhere to actual, present-day understanding of those latter topics. And I was impressed that Christopher Nolan (writer, director and producer) could have easily strayed into current controversies such as climate change and religion, but he did not. Likewise, given that the movie deals with the survival of the human species, it would not have been out of place to include some gratuitous procreation scenes between the stars, Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway, but he did not.

Speaking of McConaughey, this guy is really starting to grow on me as an actor. I remember thinking I didn't care for him when I saw him ten years ago in things like Sahara. But with his recent performances in The Dallas Buyers Club and now Interstellar, among other good films, he seems to be on a meteoric rise.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Keep Government's Hands Off My Uber

I just had an incredible experience in San Francisco. I suppose I really should be referring to the fact that I was enjoying my 26th anniversary with my wonderful wife, and we truly did have a terrific time. But the really incredible experience was using Uber, the new un-taxicab service. This innovative company providing market-based rides between willing buyers and sellers without government interference would make Adam Smith a very happy camper.

As our overnight trip to the city was approaching I got the Uber app for my iPhone. I signed up and entered my credit card info. I familiarized myself with how the system worked and even tested out a hypothetical ride from our hotel to the music venue where we would see a show. It showed me the estimated cost and, if I were actually requesting a ride right now, the car would be at my pick-up location in three minutes. Cool, I thought; I look forward to trying this out.

As we enjoyed a cocktail and a view of the bay from our hotel my natural instincts were to think of a cab well ahead of time. Everyone knows it can take 30 minutes or more for your cab to arrive. I tapped Uber on my phone. It asked me if I wanted to be picked up at my present location, which it already knew, of course. Yes. It asked me where I wanted to go. Not knowing the address, I simply typed "Yoshi's", the name of the club. Immediately it told me that a car could pick us up in three minutes. However, it warned that we were in a period of peak pricing due to high demand and it asked if I was willing to pay up to twice the regular fare for the ride. I needed to get to our location, I was eager to try Uber and the fare still seemed reasonable, so I said Yes. Great, said Uber, your driver's name is Hung, he is driving a 2014 Prius and his license plate is blah blah blah. I told my wife we had better get going because our ride would arrive faster than we could get downstairs.

Outside on the curb there was a flurry of activity with tourists, traffic, cable cars, etc. I pulled out my phone and looked at Uber. There was a map of our location and little black cars moving around in real time. These were the Uber cars in the area. At that moment I got a phone call from a strange number. Hello, I said. It was Hung, our driver, asking where exactly we were standing because there were so many people. Then I spotted his car and the matching license plate. I waived to him and he said thanks, pulled a u-turn and we jumped in.

Hung was a young Asian guy. His Prius smelled brand new. I told him this was our first Uber experience and asked him how long he had been driving for Uber. He laughed sheepishly and in a thick Asian accent confessed this was only his second day. I prompted him for more info and he explained that he has a day job and only drives between 4pm-8pm. But he said these were good hours due to peak pricing and that he gets to keep 80% of the fares. And he only works when and if he wants to. He explained the requirements to drive for Uber are a clean DMV, certain insurance requirements and a 2005 or later vehicle in excellent condition. When we jumped out of the car at our destination Hung told us what the fare was, but I didn't hand him any cash. I just said thanks and got out. Within seconds I received an email with a receipt from Uber.

We paid about $20 going to our show and about $6 coming back, all because of the change in peak demand. This is a great market force that incentivizes more Uber drivers to get on the road when demand is high and fewer when demand is low. Very logical, but I've never seen that with a traditional taxi company. I can also request Black Car service, which appears to be fancier cars with professional drivers, or there is UberXL, which appears to be SUVs capable of carrying more passengers. I also saw UberTaxi, which appears to be traditional taxis that somehow also serve Uber customers. Although, I'm not sure why I would select that one since most taxis I've been in are dirty and smelly and all three Uber cars I rode in were new and clean.

Speaking of the taxi companies, they are hopping mad about Uber-- and understandably so. After all, taxi companies are heavily regulated by local governments and pay thousands of dollars for the privilege of being in business. So now there are lawsuits, government hearings, taxi driver protest rallies and more, all in opposition to this great new service called Uber. But the taxi drivers (and the public) should really be upset with the government that is needlessly interferring with the free market place. Of course, they will argue it is about public safety and the like. Yet I saw Uber users all over town hopping into the back of brand new cars that arrived in mere minutes, driven by clean cut young men and women. If safety or ripoffs become a problem with Uber, the market will react to that and people won't use it. But I wouldn't count on it.

I'd say the biggest threat to Uber is oppressive government that can't stand it when a market-driven, private sector solution appears and works well without any control by bureaucrats and without any fees, fines, or tarriffs being paid by the owners. But don't worry government folks, you'll get your taxes. And with Uber now worth $17 billion, you'll probably get plenty.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

What Are Your "Action Items" Today?

We all know that the motivational gurus say that the key to achivieving our goals is to take action. But this is often easier said than done. Especially if you're in a funk it can be really difficult to overcome inertia and take that first step. Well I've recently had some great experiences with taking action and the benefits it produces and wanted to share that here to motivate anyone out there who needs a little push.

Over the last several years I've been trying out different career moves. They weren't really fulfilling for me and I was getting frustrated. I will turn 50 this year and I have become more aware of the sand going through the hourglass and the short time we all have here on this blue marble. Other phrases from the gurus would float through my head: "Pursue your passion!"; "Do what you love and you'll never work another day in your life!" I heard these and believed them but couldn't seem to make it happen for me. Then I started to take a different look at things.

Earlier this year I decided to stop telling myself that I didn't want to practice law anymore and I took action to open my own law office again. Instead of seeing law practice as unfulfilling, and instead of throwing away years of education and experience, I decided to look at it as an opportunity. It allows me to work for myself and set my own schedule, which is priceless to me. It allows me to earn a living which is critical. But it also allows me to pursue other passions that I used to say I would do if only I had the time. (It's tough to find the time when you're putting in fifty-hour weeks for someone else!).

With my new outlook and enthusiasm I decided it was time to pursue a goal that I had only dreamed about: writing a book and public speaking. Instead of sitting down and dabbling at this, I decided to take action and hire a coach with expertise in these areas. I can't tell you how excited I was to simply be going to the first meeting with her and describing my vision. We have met three times now and I the inspiration and deadlines have inspired me to write a chapter of my book in between our meetings every two weeks. We are working on my themes for public speaking and have already identified my first speaking engagement for September. Wow!

Along with taking action comes the motivation to set specific goals. So my coach and I have done that. When do we want the book completed and published? When do we want our next speaking engagement? How much do I want to earn? What lifestyle do I want? Heck, I have even begun teaching myself about podcasting and I in tend to incorporate that into my new pursuits, as well!

When I look at successful people who are doing what I want to do, I have to keep reminding myself that they started somewhere. They werent' born doing that. They had to take that first step. Just the other day I had an opportunity to attend a group's luncheon and incredibly the speaker was an attorney who doesn't practice law anymore but is now a best-selling author and public speaker. Coincidence? I don't think so. When I confided in him afterward that this was my goal too, he was very supportive and gave me his card. He said he started this later in life and if he could do it as an introvert, then I could certainly do it as an extrovert.

Do I have down days when I wonder what the heck I am doing? Absolutely. And I find the best cure for that is to take some new action toward my goals-- like sitting down and writing this new blog post! I hope I've inspired you to take your own action today.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

My Grandfather, My Uncle, and F.Scott Fitzgerald

By Sam Crump, Sr.

The year was 1972.  Richard Nixon was President and Watergate had not yet become the global scandal measuring stick.  As a seven year old boy growing up in Newport Beach, California, it was a time of corduroy hand-me-down pants, vans shoes and independence on a bike.

That was the year my parents took me and my four older siblings, two of each, on a family vacation to upstate New York.  This was a big deal for many reasons.  First because flying a family of six across the country in the early seventies was a big deal; hell, it still is.  Second, because my family didn’t take big trips.   My father was an Episcopal minister and ours was a camping family.  We didn’t take airplanes and we didn’t stay in hotels. 

The reason for the trip was my grandparent’s fiftieth wedding anniversary.  These were my father’s parents, Benjamin & Frances Crump, two of the sweetest people you’d ever want to know.  But they didn’t have much money either, so I suspect it was my grandmother on my mother’s side – Anne Richardson Harris, or “Granny” as she was known – who helped pay for us to attend the big family reunion.  My grandfather Edward Harris II, died in the late fifties before I was born, but he is important to this story so it seems appropriate to introduce him now.

I don’t remember anything about preparations for the trip, but I do remember the day of departure at Los Angeles International Airport.  My mother decided to dress me and my brothers all alike, which was unusual, but probably seemed like a festive thing to do.  And it was probably her last chance because right after this trip my brothers got caught up in the whole greasy-long-hair-dress-like-you-don’t-care of the seventies.
So there’s a great picture of these three young men of 7, 12 and 14, standing at LAX in red, white & blue star spangled collared shirts, dark blue polyester pants and white Pat Boone shoes with a buckle.  There we are, squinting in the early Southern California sun, a little slice of Americana.  Viet Nam was about to end; G. Gordon Liddy had probably broken into the Democratic National Headquarters the night before; and the Crump family of Newport Beach was headed back to their roots in upstate New York.

Now I know that I actually remember the event of flying out of LAX on that morning as opposed to simply remembering pictures of it as adults often do regarding childhood events.  I know I remember because I specifically recall that we flew on a Boeing 747.  This was a big deal because the massive new passenger jet had only been introduced in 1970, and also because our family somehow got bumped up to first class.  At least that’s where I think we were, because I will never forget how my seat at the front of the plane was against the bulkhead and I actually faced the back of the plane (just as Southwest did years later).  I also remember climbing the mini-spiral staircase to the upstairs hump in the 747 where there was a lounge with bench seats and all sorts of space they would never waste now, and where I imagine I feasted on peanuts and Coca Cola for five hours.

If you’ve never been to the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York, I highly recommend it.  It is beautiful country that reminds many of Italy.  In fact, the area where my grandfather Harris built his cottage is called Longs Point on Canandaigua Lake and the nearby town is Naples.  The long and beautiful lake is surrounded by lush green hills that slope steeply down to the water. 

At one time Longs Point consisted only of quaint and rustic summer cottages.  Now, most of those have been replaced by much larger year round homes.  My grandfather’s cottage with a stone chimney fireplace is one of the last.  The cottages were built by the upper class folks from Rochester in the early 1900’s.  During the summers they would go there to recreate.  I enjoyed hearing my mother explain which family belonged to which house along the shore.  That one on the point is the Briggs’ home.  We call that one over there Holly Hawks.  Your great Uncle Larry lives in that one.  The entire place had a sense of old money and elegance.  There were boat houses and tennis courts.  I recall paper trash would be burned and I can still remember enjoying the smell.

I heard the stories of summers spent at the Lake.  Think of Searsucker suits and white buck shoes.  Think Great Gatsby.    In fact, think F. Scott Fitzgerald before Great Gatsby and that is where my ancestry crosses paths with the great American author.  While the setting for Fitzgerald’s Nick Carraway was Long Island and New York City in 1922, my family crossroads was just a few years before that at Princeton University just prior to World War I.

Apparently many of the well-to-do young men of Rochester, New York in the early Twentieth Century attended Princeton University.  Not sure why that is.  But my grandfather Harris was one of them.  And this is where a great coincidence occurred.  Upon arriving at Princeton, grandfather Harris became friends with a classmate named Lowell Turrentine, who happens to be my great Uncle—on my father’s side.  As if it was not enough happenstance that my maternal grandfather and paternal great uncle would be friends in Princeton’s Class of 1917, but would you believe who they counted among their fellow classmates?  You guessed it:  F. Scott Fitzgerald.

I had the good fortune of becoming close to my Uncle Lowell when I was in my teens.  By that time he was a retired professor of law at Stanford University, where he taught for nearly 30 years.  In 1979 he invited me to attend his 62nd class reunion at Princeton.  What a treat that was.  I remember making my travel plans myself, which might strike some as unusual for a 14 year old boy, but my parents raised me to be resourceful.  I was to fly on World Airways from Oakland to Newark.  Then somehow I was to catch the train from Newark to Princeton where I would meet Uncle Lowell.  There was a threatened strike with World Airways, which I think interfered with my flight, but ultimately I did arrive in Newark late at night.  I remember hustlers trying to get me to hire their cab for a ride to Princeton, which didn’t sound like a good idea.  So I caught a shuttle to the train station and caught a train to Princeton.  All the while I was reading J.D. Salinger’s “A Catcher in the Rye” about a teenage boy’s coming of age.

I remember arriving in Princeton around midnight.  I took a cab to the lodging facility on campus where I was supposed to stay.  But I ended up at the wrong place and a college girl drove me in a station wagon to the right place.  These were college kids who had jobs for the summer helping with reunions and other activities and I remember thinking this girl was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.  Anyway, I ultimately got to the right place and some other college kids looked up “Lowell Turrentine” on their guest list and then led me to his room.  We agreed that it was probably a good idea for me to let him know I had arrived before going to my room.  We walked down a long hallway and knocked on his door.  I’ll never forget the sight of this 84 year old man answering the door in his night shirt and I don’t think I’m making it up when I recall that he was wearing a night cap – a real life Ebenezer Scrooge!

Over the next several days Uncle Lowell took me on long walks around Princeton—I remember feeling tired and I think only now do I really appreciate the fact that he 84 and I was 14!  He pointed out the corner room on the second floor of one of the beautiful stone buildings:  “That was my dormitory in my Senior year,” he said.  He took me to the boathouse where he says my grandfather Harris was captain of the rowing team, but that he himself had asthma so wasn’t much of an athlete.  He showed me the supper club where he belonged and where he could get his meals and socialize in between studies.  By today’s standards these clubs look like stately mansions, but in those days they were simply supper clubs.

Then my Uncle Lowell took me to the University’s theater and told me about the Triangle Club.  I learned that the Triangle Club is the nation’s oldest college theater group.  It was formed in 1891 and F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote plays for the troupe and is one of its most famous members.

I remember one of the highlights of the Princeton reunion was the chance to walk with the Class of 1917 in the P-rade.  This was the annual reunion march of all the attending classes.  There was a large black banner with the orange letters spelling “Class of 1917” on it.  I remember many sweet old gentlemen who were classmates with my Uncle Lowell and grandfather Harris telling me stories about the old days.  One man in his forties was there in honor of his father who had passed away, and I remember he gave me his black baseball cap with the large orange “P” on it.

Perhaps most striking was learning that the Class of 1917 never got to attend their graduation ceremony.   For most of their time at Princeton the young men were reading about the deadly war in Europe that had already claimed millions of lives.  The tensions between the United States and Germany had reached a boiling point as President Woodrow Wilson, himself a former President of Princeton, tried to keep the U.S. out of the war.  But on April 6, 1917, the U.S. declared war on Germany and the young men of Princeton would have to receive their diplomas by mail because their nation needed them to fight in Europe.

Uncle Lowell became a bombardier, probably in the back of an Airco DH.4, which was a wooden bi-plane used by the U.S. in World War I.  He later graduated from Harvard Law School in 1922, assisted in the Teapot Dome scandal in 1925, and then settled in at Stanford University Law School from 1931 until his death on January 18, 1992.  He never had any children, but he certainly inspired me and he was one of the reasons I attended law school.
My grandfather Edward Harris not only served in the Army cavalry during World War I, but he became a career officer and later led troops as a Colonel during the Battle of the Bulge in 1945 during World War II.   After the war he retired back in Rochester where he became a bank President and died of a heart attack in 1958.

As for F. Scott Fitzgerald, it was reported in the 1917 edition of Princeton’s yearbook, the Nassau Herald, it states, “Fitzgerald was forced to leave college in December 1915 because of illness.  He will pursue graduate work in English at Harvard, then he will engage in newspaper work.”  He actually did enlist in the Army, but the War ended shortly after he arrived.  He continued his writing, of course, as he spent time in Paris in the twenties palling around with Ernest Hemingway and others.  In 1925 the Great Gatsby was published.   While it never achieved critical acclaim during his lifetime, it is now the emblem of an era.  It was an era of an emerging United States, struggling to define itself.  The war to end all wars had been fought and won.  Prohibition was breeding a new industry of bootleggers and The Mob.  And soon an economic depression would descend upon all of them.

But for the moment, three friends named Edward, Lowell and F. Scott were enjoying the good life at Princeton.  And a young boy in 1972 would sleep in their cottages, swim in their lakes and hear the stories about them and about life in America six decades earlier.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

New Year's Resolution: Be Less Fat - ish

Has it been four years already?! It was late 2009. The owner of a local gym called Sweat was at the same fancy wedding I was. His name is Josh. I knew him because my law partner handled his legal matters. Now Josh comes up to me and says, "When are we going to get Sam Crump in shape?"

You need to understand that Josh looks like one of these Greek god types. You'd swear he buys his shirts extra small so they fit so tight on him. But no, he's actually that buffed. He used to play football for South Carolina. So Josh's question to me made me rather self conscious. I felt like I had a sign stuck to my back that said "FAT". He had asked me to enroll in his kick-ass fitness program before. Everyone was doing it. It was like a cult. And I tend to avoid cults. But for some reason this time I said yes.

The next week he was in my office. "Okay, it's time to get Sam Crump signed up." Why did he always refer to me in the third person? I'm sitting right here. I soon learned that's a Joshism. The following Monday I reported to the gym on a cold, dark November morning in North Phoenix. As I approached the brightly lit storefront in a strip mall I could hear the pounding music, as if a group of gangbangers were sitting in their car nearby. I opened the door and felt the hot, sweaty air billow out into my face. And that pounding rap music blaring. I felt very out of place as I looked around at the young twenty somethings all running and squatting and jumping.

I stood there for an uncomfortable sixty seconds, unsure what to do, when sure enough he approached. "What's Sam Crump doing just standing there?!," he yelled. With that he threw me on a treadmill and pumped it up to level 6. Then he just walked away. My first thought was - this it too fast. My second thought was - how long is he going to leave me here?

Now let me add a little introspection. I've never been an athlete. I used to play some tennis and golf and enjoyed running here and there. Not an athlete, but not a couch potato either. And I've never aspired to be a Greek god. A Josh. But after I turned forty, a decade ago, I noticed how my metabolism slowed down. I could no longer eat and drink anything I wanted and not suffer the consequences. So I liked the idea of getting into a fitness regimen and avoiding becoming a fat blob.

Okay, back to the gym. After that initial workout in which Josh had me going through drills with a group of about ten other victims, I was lying in bed that night in complete pain. Every muscle in my body hurt. And this was just day one of what would be a three month program, going to the gym four days per week. Oh, and then there's the diet: one meal a day and two of Josh's proprietary (of course) shakes per day. But I did it. And I didn't die.

The results? I went from 217 pounds to 187. So this six foot tall guy approaching middle age dedicated himself to this boot camp and lost 30 pounds in three months. Not bad. And I remember feeling so motivated. I enjoyed going to business lunches and ordering a simple salad with no dressing, just oil and vinegar. I loved people telling me how great I looked.

Yeah, well, that lasted for about a year. Slowly but surely the needle on that damn scale kept creeping to the right, even when I tried to stand ever so lightly. Eventually the new clothes I bought for the new and slimmer me no longer fit. I was wearing the ones from the old and fatter me.

I got back into the gym earlier this year, and I workout two or three times a week. And it feels great. I can't say the pounds are melting away and I'm sure Josh would say it's because "Sam Crump's not drinking my shakes!" It's true. While my workouts may be preventing the needle from moving right, their not yet moving it left.

So my New Year's resolution is to work on the diet part of "diet & exercise". I will turn fifty at the end of this year and I'd really like to avoid that phenomenon that some men get around that age where you'd swear they are pregnant.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Go See The Documentary "Buck"!

I just spent a couple of wonderful hours at a movie theater watching Buck.  This is a documentary about Buck Brannaman who has an incredible way with horses. But his story is also about humans and how we treat each other.

Abused as a child, Buck understands about fear and anger. He knows he didn't like being treated that way by his father and he applies that understanding to handling horses. This film tells the story of his life on the road teaching horse owners how to interact with their horses. It shows his gentleness with his own family and the simple lessons he has learned from his painful childhood.

Buck was a consultant on Robert Redford's The Horse Whisperer and it would be easy to conclude that film was inspired by Buck, but this is not the case. However, Buck is a beautiful film that anyone will enjoy whether they are horse owners or not. In this age of poor Hollywood film quality, this is a poignant work of art. See it!