Thursday, July 24, 2014

What Are Your "Action Items" Today?

We all know that the motivational gurus say that the key to achivieving our goals is to take action. But this is often easier said than done. Especially if you're in a funk it can be really difficult to overcome inertia and take that first step. Well I've recently had some great experiences with taking action and the benefits it produces and wanted to share that here to motivate anyone out there who needs a little push.

Over the last several years I've been trying out different career moves. They weren't really fulfilling for me and I was getting frustrated. I will turn 50 this year and I have become more aware of the sand going through the hourglass and the short time we all have here on this blue marble. Other phrases from the gurus would float through my head: "Pursue your passion!"; "Do what you love and you'll never work another day in your life!" I heard these and believed them but couldn't seem to make it happen for me. Then I started to take a different look at things.

Earlier this year I decided to stop telling myself that I didn't want to practice law anymore and I took action to open my own law office again. Instead of seeing law practice as unfulfilling, and instead of throwing away years of education and experience, I decided to look at it as an opportunity. It allows me to work for myself and set my own schedule, which is priceless to me. It allows me to earn a living which is critical. But it also allows me to pursue other passions that I used to say I would do if only I had the time. (It's tough to find the time when you're putting in fifty-hour weeks for someone else!).

With my new outlook and enthusiasm I decided it was time to pursue a goal that I had only dreamed about: writing a book and public speaking. Instead of sitting down and dabbling at this, I decided to take action and hire a coach with expertise in these areas. I can't tell you how excited I was to simply be going to the first meeting with her and describing my vision. We have met three times now and I the inspiration and deadlines have inspired me to write a chapter of my book in between our meetings every two weeks. We are working on my themes for public speaking and have already identified my first speaking engagement for September. Wow!

Along with taking action comes the motivation to set specific goals. So my coach and I have done that. When do we want the book completed and published? When do we want our next speaking engagement? How much do I want to earn? What lifestyle do I want? Heck, I have even begun teaching myself about podcasting and I in tend to incorporate that into my new pursuits, as well!

When I look at successful people who are doing what I want to do, I have to keep reminding myself that they started somewhere. They werent' born doing that. They had to take that first step. Just the other day I had an opportunity to attend a group's luncheon and incredibly the speaker was an attorney who doesn't practice law anymore but is now a best-selling author and public speaker. Coincidence? I don't think so. When I confided in him afterward that this was my goal too, he was very supportive and gave me his card. He said he started this later in life and if he could do it as an introvert, then I could certainly do it as an extrovert.

Do I have down days when I wonder what the heck I am doing? Absolutely. And I find the best cure for that is to take some new action toward my goals-- like sitting down and writing this new blog post! I hope I've inspired you to take your own action today.

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